Terms & Conditions

Footloose Dance Terms and Conditions 

To ensure Footloose Dance Classes run smoothly and successfully, we ask that parents read and agree to our Terms and Conditions before enrolling into the dance school. 

All enrolment/medical forms must be filled out online via Class4Kids prior to attending.


We charge half termly for our classes. If you join part way through a term, you will only be invoiced for the classes you have not yet attended after your free trial.

Invoices will be sent out before the end of each term. If for any reason, these forms or invoices will be delayed, parents will be informed. Payment can be made by Bank Transfer, Cash or online via the link on Class4Kids. Please note that if you choose to pay via the Class4kids Stripe online link then they will charge you £2.55. 

Account Number:      51849589                       Sort Code: 09-01-28

Cash (must be in a named envelope)

If payment is made after the end of term, a £5 fee is added. 

If payment is not made by the end of the second week of term, we reserve the right to suspend classes until overdue payments are received. 

No refunds will be given once the term has commenced or for any missed classes however, if I need to cancel a class, a full refund will be given. 

Notice Period 

Although no official notice period is required, if your child no longer wants to attend classes, I do appreciate a message/email. This will ensure that children on the waiting list can take their place. 


All teachers are DBS checked and have valid insurance and First Aid training.

They are also aware of the Safeguarding Policy and have completed Safeguarding training. 

Physical contact may be necessary when a teacher is helping a student to correct a position or when demonstrating but this is conducted with professionalism. 

We have Public Liability Insurance as Footloose School of Dance. 

Responsibilities of Parents/Guardians and Dancers 

Enrolment into and attendance to our classes is seen as acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. 

Appropriate clothing and footwear must be worn to ensure they can take an active part in classes safely. 

Footloose Uniform is not mandatory but is available for all children to purchase.

Any rude or discriminatory behaviour to other pupils, parents or to teachers will not be tolerated. 

Photographs or videos linked to Footloose Dance should not be posted on social media. The only exception is if the photo/video is only of your child. If you would like to post something to our online sites, please send it to my email.  

Please inform us if your child will be absent from a lesson as soon as possible. 

The teachers must be informed of any injury or illness that may impact the dancer’s participation in class. 

Please ensure we have the correct contact details for you and let us know/ change on Class4Kids as soon as they have changed.

Please keep up to date with important information via texts, Class4Kids, email or letter. 

Please ensure your children are respecting the environment of our halls so that they are safe and any rubbish is tidied away in the bins provided. 


No responsibility is accepted by Footloose Dance for any items lost or damaged, whether in class or in the halls. 

Footloose Dance is not responsible for your children before, between or after lessons unless previously arranged. Please ensure they are safe and ensure your son/daughter is collected promptly. 

Footloose Dance reserves the right to cancel a class or change the venue. Parents/Adult Dancers will be informed of this as soon as possible. 

First Aid and Insurance 

Footloose Dance has Public Liability Insurance.

All Teachers are First Aid Trained. 

Any First Aid instances should be reported to Emily so they can be recorded.

Breach of Terms and Conditions 

Pupils will be asked to leave without notice for any serious breach of the school’s terms and conditions or for any other serious misconduct. 


At Footloose Dance we welcome people to dance with us irrespective of where they live, their age, gender, sexuality, race, disability, educational attainment or economic circumstance. 

We promote the safety of all students in our classes.

We believe that everybody has the capacity and the right to dance.

We focus on the benefits of dance helping individuals personally and socially as well as physically. Further safeguarding and child protection policy information can be found on our website. 



Footloose Dance is following the advice of Public Health England (PHE) and the Local Authority to ensure we are doing everything we can to help avoid the spread of this virus.

The situation is changing all the time, please keep yourselves up to date with UK Government Guidelines on the corona virus COVID-19:


To ensure we are continuing to do our best to maintain the wellbeing of our staff and dance families we have updated our policies until there is a significant decline in the virus. We can do our bit to ensure our community stays safe:

·       Wash your hands. Pupils should wash their hands before and after each class. Hand gel will be provided upon entering and leaving the village hall.

·       Sneezing into a tissue or elbow if no tissue is available and washing hands as soon as possible.

·       Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.

·       Staff will check with the buildings that we use that touched objects and surfaces within the dance studios are cleaned and disinfected frequently.

·       During classes we have been advised to limit any activities where pupil to pupil and staff to pupil may have to hold hands. Any shared resources between classes will be appropriately cleaned. 

·       If you consider that you or your children, have had any potential contact with the virus; contact NHS 111 for further advice and then Emily at Footloose Dance before attending any classes. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

·       If your child shows any symptoms after a class then please inform Emily so the correct actions can be taken. 

·       For the foreseeable future parents will not be allowed to watch classes.

·       Children will be collected from the entrance of the hall and escorted out upon collection. 

·       Pupils/parents should avoid queuing outside the hall if possible and if not ensure social distancing. 

·       Face Masks do not need to be worn during classes. The guidance states that children 11 and over need to wear masks unless covered under a ‘reasonable excuse’. This could be for a gym class, if users need to eat or drink something, or if they have a health or disability reason to not wear one. Children over 11 can of course choose to wear one to enter and leave classes. 

·       Non – fire doors and windows should be opened to ensure ventilation if possible. 



Class4Kids Privacy and Cookie Policy, Data Protection Policy and Data Retention Policy can we found using this link. 


GDPR means that Footloose Dance must;

* Manage and process personal data properly

* Protect the individual’s rights to privacy

* Provide an individual with access to all personal information held on them.

Please contact Emily if you would like to read our full GDPR policy.